Thursday, May 20, 2010


You know the advertisement section of facebook - over on the right side of the home page where the powers that be try to guess who you may or may not be friends with just because you have a friend or two in common? Well, I've noticed the same name popping up over and over again. YHS Alumini.

The more high school people I become facebook friends with, the more pushy facebook gets that I should, in fact, also be friends with YHS Alumini. We have 12 friends in common. I'm not sure who it is that started this page, but there are 2,317 people who are currently facebook friends with YHS Alumini.

It would, in theory, be a nice way to touch base and maybe re-find some old friends. However... I'm not quite sure what an Alumini is. It sounds like something you wrap your fish in before you put it on the grill. Or maybe a secret society like the Illuminati. Or what a light bulb does to a dark room. It doesn't sound like high school graduates.

Do you think I should email this girl and let her know that the word is really alumni? Is it possible that she isn't aware? Or would I just be embarrassing her?

I mean... I get it... misspelling a word here or there... it's natural... but *come on* it is the *name* of the page! You are representing Yucaipa, home of chickens, skunks and flies. And, apparently, Alumini.


  1. I just googled it, she's wrong. I would email her and tell her politely that correct spelling of the page promoting your childhood education system would possibly double the 2,300 members. Are you able to see comments made by the 2,300? I wonder if they're pointing it out. And how in the world does Yucaipa have 2,300 members?? I've seen "Youth in Revolt", I know there aren't 2,300 people in Yucaipa.

  2. Jason, I have yet to see Youth In Revolt but anxiously await the DVD release and I will definately report in the level of accuracy. -Suzy
