Monday, December 16, 2013

What a difference 2 years and 10 months makes

I miss blogging. Or really just putting my opinion down on paper (or electronic paper.) It has been a long long time since my last post - 2 years and 10 months. Plus a few days. A long time. Needless to say, what a difference those 2 years and 10 months have had on my life!! Namely... Bran the man. My little monkey. My 15 month old who basically is my heart walking around in a small blond (Who knew I could have a blonde kid?) body. Which leads me to this - 1150pm on a Sunday night when I should be sound asleep I am typing a blog about nothing. And everything. You know you have to start somewhere, right? And this feels like a restart although I'm too lazy/smart to actually restart an entire new blog. Why, when this one is still here and ready to go and has a less-gray, less-mom-pooched, less bag-eyed picture of me. Not to mention how much of a techy-moron I am. So...Rock on! Ok so that's it. My promise to myself is more blogging. Becoming a mom has altered my life drastically and while I miss a lot of things I don't do anymore (happy hour w/ friends, movies in an actual theater, pedicures/pretty toes, long nights making pottery, non-gray hair) I am happy to trade it all in for the new amazing thing in my life - Bran. The truth is.. .I WANT to trade it all in for him and his dad. I love just being with the two of them at home doing nothing. And by nothing I mean everything. You think you know what you're going to be like as a mom. You think you'll feel this and do that and cook x and still do y. And then you become a mom. And you look back on your pre-mom self and think - You were a moron. You thought you knew everything, but you knew nothing. NOTHING. So that's where I'm at. Tired, ugly toes, gray hair, and happiness. Oh, and a cold. Because kid in daycare = constant cold. But that's for another blog...

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