Monday, April 5, 2010

Lamb Butt

So I was shopping in the grocery store the other day. VONS - a regular store, not some funky-crazy-specialty store. Minding my business, in the dairy section, looking for a little "you can't believe it's not butter" butter, when I saw something shocking.

So shocking that I picked it up to look closer.

So shocking that I started laughing hysterically in the middle of the store.

So shocking that I ripped open my purse and yanked out my camera and took a picture.

What could be so shocking you ask?



that's right.... SCULPTURES...

in the shape of a lamb!!!!! A LAMB!

Seriously. What are you going to do with this? Put it on the table for Easter? A little kid would cry over this when you hack off a little buttery lamb butt to put on your roll. Or worse, when you decapitate it to butter-up your mashed potatoes. Lamb shaped butter. Who thinks of these things? They're creepy, these lambed-shaped butter sculptures.
They are a baaaa-d thing.

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