Monday, March 22, 2010

Gray Hair

So.... I have a few gray hairs. It's not a big deal, even though my hair is so dark that they really show up. I just try to pluck them and ultimately they get darkened with the hair-coloring so it's not a big deal.

However, on the glimmer of my 35th birthday I have now discovered one gray hair that bothers me more than all of the rest combined... because... it is in my eyebrow. The left eyebrow to be specific. At first I thought I must have a rouge blond hair it is so light shimmering in there. But no, it is gray.

My mom drilled into me all growing up that plucking your eyebrows would lead to having penciled-in eyebrows (which I don't want) and so I am leery to pluck it. And its not like I'm going to put hair dye on my eyebrow. That's insane.

Isn't it?


Is it? Should I dye my eyebrow over one little gray hair? Wouldn't I have to dye both of them? I dunno.... this feels like it is opening up a grooming can of worms that I do not want to open.

Gray eyebrow. Bite me.

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