Sunday, February 23, 2014

Pedicure - How young is too young?

Brandon is 17 months old and I have had 2 pedicures since he was born. Two. Because I don't have excessive free time now and my weekends are usually spent doing something with family - traveling, visiting, going to the park, grocery shopping, cooking, wiping booger-noses, watching The Lorax, etc.... They are not spent having a stranger rub sea salt into my legs and painting my toes even though it feels amazing.

So imagine today I went for my second pedicure in 17 months and it was not the adult-experience I envisioned because... someone brought their baby with them. I'm guessing 10 months old - cute little girl who behaved really well - going back and forth between her parents (who both were there getting pedicures) laps. Her mom even painted her toes to match her own. The girl was sweet. But did she really belong in a nail salon? I realize I'm opening a can of worms with this since I would take Brandon *almost* anywhere with me... but I wouldn't take him to the nail salon. First, I couldn't relax with him there. But most importantly I think the smell of the polish and whatever other magic potions they use are super strong and just don't seem like something that would be good for him. 

Hmmm.... what do you think? How young is too young for a pedicure at a salon?

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