Monday, February 1, 2010

Over/Under of Cover Bands

There should be a law.

If you are a cover band, you must dress as authentically as possible and if that means a bad mullet wig, a ripped t-shirt and tight spandex glitter-pants with a star on the crotch - SO BE IT!

What a difference an outfit makes. It stirs up the crazy-town energy of the crowd. Not to mention that since it is a cover band and not the "actual" band, you can go see them at a venue that holds 300 instead of 30,000. At a small venue you can actually get to the front by the stage and maybe... you know... touch the singer's leg. Once or five times... I'm just saying - it is easier to get into it when you are close up and personal and when the band is in full character dressed to the hilt.

There should be another law.

If a lead singer needs a break in the middle of a set, NO "guitar solos" or 10-minute-guitar-riffs allowed. Period. Because seriously... no one likes them.

Admit it, unless you are an electric guitar player and you are envious of the 'talent' - you hate them too. I was there, rockin' out to a Van Halen cover band and the entire crowd was pumped up and full of energy. The lead singer obviously needed a little break. The guitarist played his way-too-long riff/solo/annoyance. You could feel the energy drain from the entire room. I was up next to the stage and I turned around and slowly scanned the crowd. No one looked excited or happy. Not one person. Irritated, yes. And bored. And like the entire crowd was sending up a little prayer to whatever god controls hair band cover bands that the lead singer would come back out and save us all.

I feel vindicated. I always am ashamed to admit I hate guitar riffs. But not anymore. I was there. I felt it.

So here it is, my over/under for Cover Bands -

Guitar Riffs -

Glitter Spandex and Mullet Blonde Wigs -
Seriously Underrated

Who knew???

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