Friday, January 29, 2010

The Prize

Last week my brother calls me up and tells me something amazing. Not only do I have the money ($80?) and personal glory for being named the 2009 Fantasy Baseball Champion in our amazing fantasy league... but only 4 short months after the season ended, the ever-shocking CBS Sportsline has also mailed out a trophy. Woohoo! Who doesn't want a trophy?

At this point, my brother snickered and said "I accidentally broke a piece off, but it kind of makes it funnier." I begged and pleaded that he tell me what he meant... what could be broken off... a bat? a head? an arm? a number 1? what? He told me nothing.

Today, I received my prize. As you can see, it is a stunning likeness of me. Apparently, this is what Fantasy Baseball Champions look like complete with the 'stache to rival Tom Selleck, the flavor-saver-soul-patch of Jason Werth, throw-back Ray Bans from the 80's, a big pointy nose, and the fratboy wear-my-hat-backwards-cause-I'm-so-cool as a topper. I dare say it almost looks like Mike Piazza! Oh... and... the... what-the-heck-is-that on my trophy's hands???
I looked closer.... and then... W... T... F... !?!?!?!?
And then I remembered... wait... something broke off. And sure enough, there is a little champagne bottle that attaches under the hands and that "stuff" on the hands is the bubbly that is supposedly coming out of the top of the uncorked bottle.
Uh huh.
This little bottle was so small at the neck where it was attached it was begging to break off. You can barely see where it connected. It wanted to snap away from the trophy-man and leave behind just the cream-colored foamy bubbles resting on the hands of this stud. CBS Sportsline - some funny guys workin' there! **sigh**
Tell me... should I leave it as is, or reattach the little champagne bottle and am I a lunatic if I put it on my desk at work? Will I get fired? Or will it just make someone laugh...

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