Saturday, January 16, 2010

Riddle Me This

Last night I went to a comedy club and saw 7 comedians. Here's what I wonder...

Why are comedians male? Are women not funny??? My female friends are FUNNY.

When comedians talk about their own lives in TMI detail... how much of that is truth? Is it all truth, a little truth, or a downright lie that they just think they can work into a schtick?

Why is there always some lunatic woman in the crowd who laughs (and I say this as a loud laugher myself) really weird and loud and makes obnoxious comments to the comedian. Is this woman a plant??? Because she always seems to be sitting in a back corner and be totally wasted... but I never see anyone resembling that after the show is over.

What's with the self-laughing? One guy would stop mid sentence and chuckle to himself alot but he really wasn't that funny...

To my three readers... what are your thoughts?


  1. There are lots of funny women comediennes; they just don't perform at Comedy Palace I guess.

    SOME of the comedy was TMI.....seemed to get worse as the night went on. First 3 guys: funny. Middle guy: eh. Last 3 guys: TMI.

    That drunk woman was probably a girlfriend/plant.

  2. I agree, some was very very funny last night, but a few at the end had TMI. The 2nd to last guy (the self-laugher) with the black shirt - he was the worst for me.

  3. Kathleen Madigan and Ellen DeGeneres are hilarious. In general I don't see nearly as many funny female comediannes as male. Maybe funny women aren't drawn to a career in comedy?

    I think you can tell when a comedian is doing a bit about something that actually happened to him/her. I think it's much funnier when it actually happened. Of course in the end it's probably 40% reality and 60% embellishment but who cares at that point? The downright lies/complete schticks are hard to pull off as really humorous. Do you like the blue collar comedy guys? I think Jeff Foxworthy is hilarious, original and talented but the rest of them I see as hacks and mirroring what I'm talking about above.

    And I hate the self-laughing. It used to be funny when you saw someone unable to control themselves and they couldn't hold back their laughter (I'm thinking Carol Burnett or early SNL). Now though people who aren't very funny throw in their own laughter to their own jokes in an effort to fluff up their crap comedy.

    How can you not like Curb Your Enthusiasm?? I thought you liked Seinfeld, did I have that wrong? Because if you liked Seinfeld...Curb Your Enthusiasm is the same's basically an R-rated Seinfeld from the same creator as Seinfeld.
