Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I left work... I was walking to my car when I realized... I kind of had to go, you know, pee. But barely and you know how it is... I was already out the door and so I thought "eh, I'm only 6 miles from home, I can hold it."

So I did.

I was cold, so I popped on the seat warmer and started to feel toasty and happy... I was on the freeway halfway home. Not too much traffic, all was good. I sang with the radio. Lady Gaga - she's fantastic. I'm your biggest fan... yadda yadda...

I got home, parked, foodled around getting my stuff out of the car, finally locked the car and walked upstairs. I opened the front door and put down my stuff. I stopped to pet the cats and I flicked on the radio. I meandered my way into the bathroom.

And BOOM, that's when it hit. That's when the urge went from a 2 to a 10 in half a second. What is that about? Does this happen to other people? How come I have only a slight urge to go until I'm standing in front of the toilet and all of a sudden I'm having a panic attack about getting the zipper down quick enough?!?!? This is the strangest phenomenon. It can't just be me. Can it?

I made it. In case you were concerned.

Close call though...

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